A downloadable tool

I wrote this engine to save myself time on making js games, thought that some one else could have use for it, Its very low level, may as well be just a template so it requires some js knowledge.

How its different to other engines?, the main objective of the project is to build an engine / template that is as low level as possible, keeping the code always open and editable, so it allows high levels of control and optimization.

There are four main pre build objects, grills, props, buttons and actors. GRILLS are designed for puzzles, they show one tile depending on the value of a two dimensional array, they also capture three main events on the mouse. PROPS basically just show a sprite on a place on the screen, BUTTONS are more or less the same, but they capture the mouse up event on the screen, ACTORS are the most complicated, they require a 4 directions animations and you can modify on the fly their xspeed and yspeed, they will automatically adjust the animation and direction depending on this speeds. It also has a build in camera and a collision map.

It also has three main moments, start, step and draw. It can also capture keyboard inputs and mouse movements.

The idea is to build an array with this objects and just iterate it on all the process that are common to those objects, then just concentrate all your time and effort on the step event, which i basically the core of the game itself.

There maybe some optimization here and there, but for now I think that the project is on a stable state. If I see some interest, I will improve it, add features, make it more user friendly and port it to other platforms.

Attributions and donations are not required, but appreciated, all your feedback is also highly appreciated.

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